So last weekend i went to the 2 day San Fransisco Zine Fest and it was pretty rad. of course it took little to no photos and even if i did, they'd mostly be from behind my booth where i nervously stood for hours on end awkwardly trying not to hover over the patrons (which i failed at), so instead of images from the actual event i just want to share with you some of the best zines/comics i got from the event! There was some really fucking great shit!

First off let start with some of the best shit. ZFA Works and their booth was full of some amazing releases! They are the creators of zebratron, a strange and funny comic about a zebra w/ a humanoid face, 6 legs, a ginger mustache and a battleaxe for a tail. Its good times.
One of their newest releases COSMIC BUMMER FUNNIES by SHALO P (who’s work you can also see in DBB’s DEATH TRIP) is one of the best things I’ve read in forever!
So fucking good. Hilarious, absurdist, freakshow strips of comic lunacy form to create moments of pure expression and had me laughing out loud in bed after the 1st day of the fest. A must fucking have. Printed on news print it conjures feeling of reading Sunday funnies as a kid if as a kid you were heavy into psychotropics and feared vengence from anthropomorphic ducks…. Anyway you should own this.

Also new from ZFAWorks is LINE LAND a anthology of freak comic artists all doing their thang. I must disclose I am in this zine/comic, but trust me when I say that this shit is pretty rad.

Featuring Peter Hurley, Philip R. Bonner, Shalo P, Calvin Trezise, Helen America, Jon Schnepp, Danny Espinoza, Chaim Bertman, Christopher Graybill, Matthew Lock, Mark Mulroney, Keenan Marshall Keller, Andy Burkholder, Orion Martin. Cover by Primo Pitino.

Dodgeball by Danny Espinoza
It is a solid creation; 56 pages of weirdness which begs to be seen. Check it out!
Speaking of SHALO P & Peter Grey Hurley, here’s a picture of them (one of the whooping 3 whole pictures I took w/my cam).

Shalo is in the Galactic Breadown Tee (good taste), pete’s the other one. Showing off our newest classic DEATH TRIP. It was really great to see these dudes and hang some.Irish coffee and bullshit with new bros… Like Shalo said, “brothers from another mother…”
Peter also hooked me up with his new zine he did with Ava Rosen

and possibly my favorite T-shirt of all times….

Continuing with ZFA Works; I also was blown away by a series of weird mini comics of different formats lining their table. Each with brilliant line work and frightfully amazing images with Japanese text. Just look at these bellow…

These are the comix of Jiro Ishikawa… whom I loved before but now I would drink his blood to steal some of his juju if I could. These books are amazing! So densely packed with line, contrast and graphic details… these are like my dream comics….. weird and beautiful.

As I wondered the rest of the fest I saw a few familiar faces along the way, Malachi Ward had his booth set up with his books and some of the original art which I looked through and was rad but was not smart enough to photo, but I did buy his newest, split comic: SWEET DREAMS/TOP FIVE.

The comic is split meaning it has 2 covers and each comic ends in the middle of the book.

I just love his simple lines that convey so much. Once again focusing on sci-fi/alien themes, he doesn’t disappoint with either or the stories within. His commix UTU and the EXPANSION Series are really fucking good.
I also ran into my comic/zine fest bro Jose Gabriel Angeles who is still killing it.
I hooked up with a couple of his Happy World of Love zines which I had neglected to get in the past as well as a new shirt!
He makes the best shirts… I am a huge fan of his abandon and sick wit.
Man I got so much rad shit, I gotta do some drive by looks at a few.

This one was from a lovely girl, Courtney Cassidy whom traded with me for her zine and her cd. She also gave me a print which I have yet to take a picture of. The zine is full of color photography of “lake-fun” (American flags, backflips, tube’n, and sunshine) and is quite nice.
From my home gurl, a’misa chiu comes her newest works in the realms of digital and handmade collage. GLITTERBYTE

Check out her stuff at Eyeball Burp, they have some nice publications.
Got this cool zine as a last minute trade with some dude. Its not his zine its his friends… Its 2 separate books. One must hold together to get the full image. Cool idea and some of the work inside is nice too. Explore the best self-improvement book

Studio JFISH brings us Junque Land.

Manga-esque images of gator bitches, wolf twats, and voluptuous hippo/mayan masked gals fucking and getting fucked. Nuff’ said.
At the hamburger eyes booth they had several hamburger eyes issues as well as paper zines of art collected into volumes by artist.

Really fucking cool to finally see a large collection of these artists at once to really appreciate their styles and eye. I bought the & zines. They were my favs.


Teen-Age Wet Dream! By andrea sonnenberg
fuck i got so much shit while there, i'm sorry i can photo them all and break'em down but i'd be doing it for hours, sooo… This is gonna be it for my "coverage" of the SF ZIne Fest. Going back next year for sure. But before i go i want to share one more thang with you. When we got home from the Zinefest i had a package waiting for me from Kansas City.
Inside were 2 awesome comix i had ordered sometime ago and had forgotten about….
Alex Schuberts THE DUDES & The BLOBBY BOYS
I did not get these at the SF ZInefest but i feel like The Blobby Boys is the best/funniest comic i have read all year. and i love Schuberts' aesthetic and color palette. These are both really rad. You should buy them
You should look up and buy most of the zines/comix i have put up here…
I had a blast at SF Zinefest and now my sites are set on the L.A. Zinefest coming in FEB 2012! More updates on that as they come available.
MORE POSTINGS TOO COME + a theme to our website(we hope)